Hey, I'm Michelle👋🏻
I hope you can learn more about me here.

My name is Michelle. I am a Informatics student concentrating on Human-computer interaction and data science and soon to be graduate at University of Washington.​
🧡 I design products that are innovative but also solve problems for stakeholders.
I love chatting with people!

I am more than happy to chat more about myself and learn about you over coffee ☕️
My three design philosophies
No boring design:
- Every element serves a purpose and contributes to the product user experience.

Designing for All:
- Ensure a balance of function and aesthetics while also ensuring equal accessibility and engagement for everyone.

Consider All Perspectives:
- Take into account both user and business perspectives to arrive at solutions that cater to the needs of all stakeholders.
My design Journey

Here’s a little bit more about me....


Psychology is a subject that has always held a special place in my heart, and it's a close second to my passion for design. 🧠💻


I've often heard my friends ask, "Do people still tune into podcasts these days?"

And you know what? That's totally me.

I'm a big fan of podcasts because I love hearing people's stories. 🎧📚

Lego Collector

So Kidd, I know🤩 I really enjoy putting together those small bricks to make different parts and create an awesome model.

I enjoy the immersive experience that comes with building. 🧱💫